Vocabs used at a Lawyer’s

At a lawyer’s office, there are many legal terminologies that are commonly used, such as “affidavit,” “brief,” “deposition,” “pleading,” “subpoena,” “testimony,” “witness,” “jurisdiction,” “precedent,” “statute,” “appeal,” “arbitration,” “mediation,” “litigation,” “discovery,” and “settlement,” among others. These terms relate to legal procedures, court cases, and other important aspects of the law.

Sure, I can provide you with brief explanations of some of the legal terminologies used by lawyers:


– Affidavit: a written statement made under oath, used as evidence in court.

– Brief: a written legal document that outlines the facts and legal arguments in a case.

– Deposition: an out-of-court witness statement given under oath, recorded by a court reporter.

– Pleading: a formal written statement filed with the court that sets forth a party’s legal claims or defenses.

– Subpoena: a court order requiring a person to appear in court or produce evidence.

– Testimony: the evidence given under oath by a witness in a court of law.

– Witness: a person who provides testimony in a legal proceeding.

– Jurisdiction: the authority of a court to hear and decide a case.

– Precedent: a legal principle established by a court decision that serves as a guide for future cases.

– Statute: a written law passed by a legislative body.

– Appeal: a request for a higher court to review a lower court’s decision.

– Arbitration: a form of dispute resolution where a neutral third party makes a binding decision.

– Mediation: a form of dispute resolution where a neutral third party helps the parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

– Litigation: the process of taking a case through the court system.

– Discovery: the process of obtaining evidence from the other party in a legal proceeding.

– Settlement: an agreement between parties to resolve a legal dispute without going to trial.

